You don’t have to be allergic to stinging insect, hornet or bee stings to want to avoid these buzzing hazards. Bee, hornet and stinging insect stings can be painful and if you are allergic, lethal. Of course, you never know how many stings it will take before your body’s defense system kicks in and you do develop an allergy, which is a very scary thought, particularly if you have a nest of hornets or bees hanging by your front or garage door. It’s even worse if you see any of these creatures flying out of a hole in the wall inside your home. That means there’s a nest inside the wall and time for a professional to handle it, even if you’re not afraid to do it yourself.
Coping with any type of stinging insect, hornet or bee problem is dangerous, but allowing it to continue is just as bad. You might consider the “do-it-yourself” method and secure a can of pesticide from the local grocery. However, in many cases, these pesticides won’t do a complete eradication of the problem, because either they aren’t potent enough or are used improperly. When that occurs, you have one angry group of lethal buzzing weapons ready to take on anyone in their way, which is normally the person attempting to kill the bees, stinging insects or hornets.
You don’t have to be allergic to any insect to suffer severe problems when a swarm of them attacks you. The stings are painful and can be hazardous if you have a swarm attack you, regardless of allergies. Allowing a professional to handle the problem is the best way to eliminate it. They know the techniques and have the appropriate chemicals to eliminate these insects from your family area. Of course, there’s always the option of doing nothing.
If you choose to allow bees, stinging insects and hornets to continue living peacefully near you, be aware. While some of these insects, the honeybee and bumblebee are relatively placid unless disturbed, others are truly pests. Some types of stinging insects and hornets love sugary drinks as much as your kids do. They’ll join any outside barbecue or picnic and especially love sipping out of cans and cups left unattended. That’s an invitation for a problem waiting to happen, particularly if you have small children.
There are beneficial members of these groups you might want to consider saving. Braconid stinging insect larvae feed on hornworms, the green caterpillars that people often call tomato worms. Honeybees pollinate vegetation of all types helping fruits, vegetables, and other plants to continue their lifecycle and reproduce more plants or fruit and vegetables. Bumblebees do the same. A trained pest control expert can help you identify the beneficial insects and create a plan that might not require destroying them if the nest is at a safe distance.
How to Get Rid of Stinging Insects Around Your Home or Building
There are many different kinds of stinging insects that may be pestering you and your family. While the various species can usually be identified as either social or solitary stinging insects, the main varieties that cause concern are yellow jackets and hornets. Moreover, stinging insects can actually provide a number of benefits as they kill many kinds of plant-eating insects. Still, because stinging insects aggressively defend their nests, you may find the need to consult professional pest control services.
Types of Stinging Insects
Before we talk about stinging insect control, let’s quickly discuss the different kinds of stinging insects you might encounter.
You will probably recognize hornets as they are large and very imposing. Still, hornets are not typically as aggressive as yellow jackets. Hornets usually feed between dusk and dawn and the most common hornet stinging insect in North America.
Yellow Jackets
Yellow Jackets are identifiable by their thick waists and bright yellow colorings. These stinging insects are the most territorial and subsequently the most aggressive; they can sting multiple times and are especially apt to do so when defending their nests.
Stinging Insect Control
Even though we are prone to fear stinging insects, we can usually prevent problems by simply avoiding them and especially their nests. Still, if a nest is very close to your home, or even formed somewhere in the structure of your home, you will want to get rid of it. Remember that stinging insects provide beneficial services by eliminating other pest insects to predation before you decide to get rid of the stinging insects.
Keep in mind, getting rid of stinging insects can be dangerous, especially if you have bee or stinging insect allergies. It is always recommended that you seek professional help to eliminate all kinds of stinging insects.
Call Alliance Pest Services for all your stinging insect pest control problems. All bees, wasps, hornets, carpenter bees, yellow jackets and more.