Total Flea Control Guide For Monmouth County Residents

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Fleas are filthy nuisance pests that love to make your pet their permanent home. These bugs can quickly take over your home, especially if your furry friend has an infestation. Keep reading to learn all about fleas, their life cycle, and why they’re so hard to eradicate without an exterminator.

How To Identify Different Types Of Fleas

There are over 2,000 types of fleas all over the world, and you can find 300 of them in the United States. The three most common flea species found on pets and in homes are the cat flea, the dog flea, and the human flea. Each of these fleas has powerful hind legs that allow them to jump from place to place since they cannot fly. They also have tiny bristles on their legs that help them maneuver through thick hair and fur.
Although it’s difficult to tell the difference between these fleas without a microscope, they do have unique characteristics. The cat flea is the most common flea. It prefers cats and dogs, but it will also bite human hosts. These fleas are between one and three millimeters in size and have a reddish color. Dog fleas look very similar to cat fleas, except they have more bristles on their hind legs and a more rounded head. Human fleas are slightly larger than both dog and cat fleas. They feed on animal and human hosts and are the one flea species responsible for the transmission of bubonic plague. For this reason, getting rid of a flea infestation should be a top priority.

The Lifecycle Of The Common Flea

The flea life cycle contains four stages. Beginning with the egg stage, a female will lay eggs after a blood meal from an animal or human host. Eggs are laid in bunches and can easily stick to fur, hair, carpets, and fabric. The eggs take up to two weeks to hatch, where they then move into the larvae stage. Larvae feed on the feces of adult fleas and avoid the light as much as possible. 
After roughly 20 days, larvae will spin cocoons to move into the pupae stage. A developing flea may stay inside the cocoon for several weeks, but they can also stay in this stage for several years until conditions are right. Once formed, an adult flea will break out of the cocoon when it senses a host nearby. If the adult flea is female, it can start to lay eggs soon after its first blood meal, typically within a few days.  

Three Reasons Fleas Are So Hard To Get Rid Of

It is difficult to get rid of fleas without professional help for several reasons. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  1.  They reproduce quickly. When fleas have easy access to a host and food source, they can lay as many as 20 to 30 eggs a day. If your pet has fleas, chances are eggs are being dropped throughout your home without you even noticing. Because they are so small, they easily get lost in carpeting.
  2. They have a varied life cycle. Many at-home or do-it-yourself flea treatments only address the adult stage, leaving the other three stages free to develop. Unless you’re catching each stage of the flea life cycle, you’re likely to have a persistent infestation.
  3. They are elusive and resilient. Fleas are expert jumpers and are extremely nimble. They can move quickly through fur and other fibers and are thin enough to fit between the tiniest cracks and crevasses. They also have tough exoskeletons, making them difficult to crush. 

If you’re having trouble tackling a flea problem on your own, it may be time to contact a flea exterminator like Alliance Pest Services.  

Control, Extermination & Prevention Of Fleas

Call in the experts at Alliance Pest Services when traditional flea prevention methods fail. We’ve been a trusted provider of flea pest control in Monmouth Country since 1983. We’ll use the latest in extermination technology to make your home pest-free in no time. Give us a call today to learn more about our services.

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