Mosquito Control in Monmouth County, NJ

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Protection From Mosquitos In Monmouth County & Surrounding Areas

In New Jersey, mosquitoes are a serious problem. Whether at a picnic or doing yard work, these biting pests are always nearby and looking for a snack. In most cases, mosquitoes are just a nuisance. Their bites produce mild swelling and itching but usually go away in a few days. However, mosquitoes feed on blood, and in some cases, they can transmit extremely harmful diseases, such as malaria or West Nile Virus.

A mosquito sucking the blood of a human

Protecting your family from the illnesses spread by mosquitoes requires the avoidance of mosquito bites. In order to avoid mosquito bites, you need to come in contact with as few mosquitoes as possible, which is easier said than done. Alliance Pest Services provides mosquito control programs that will reduce the number of mosquitoes on your Monmouth County property so that you can be safer and have a more pleasant outdoor experience when you spend time in your backyard.

Our Mosquito Control Solutions


Our basic, entry-level mosquito program is the Protection Barrier Basic program. Our service specialist will treat the exterior of your property one time. The treatment kills adult mosquitoes on contact. When new mosquitoes attempt to move in, they will land and feed off the property landscaping. The treatment residual that remains on the landscaping will kill these mosquitoes as well. This treatment lasts for approximately 30 days.

Family and pets can safely enter the yard within 30-60 minutes after treatment. You will receive advanced notice of your scheduled appointment.


The Home Protection Barrier Pro program is our mid-grade level mosquito program. Our service specialist will treat the exterior of your property monthly from May through September. The treatment kills adult mosquitoes on contact. Any mosquitoes that attempt to move in after the treatment will land and feed off the property landscaping. The treatment residual that remains on the landscaping will kill these mosquitoes as well. This treatment will last for approximately 30 days.

Family and pets can safely enter the yard within 30-60 minutes after treatment. You will receive advanced notice of your scheduled appointment.


The Home Protection Barrier Elite program is our most successful mosquito program. Our service specialist will treat the exterior of your property monthly from May through September. The treatment kills adult mosquitoes on contact. Any mosquitoes that attempt to move in after the treatment will land and feed off the property landscaping. The treatment residual that remains on the landscaping will kill these mosquitoes as well. This treatment will last for approximately 30 days.

We will also apply a mosquito granular in areas that may develop standing water, and we will inspect for any standing water and treat it appropriately. Standing water is required for mosquitoes to breed, so treating these areas stops mosquito eggs and larvae from developing.

Family and pets can safely enter the yard within 30-60 minutes after treatment. You will receive advanced notice of your scheduled appointment.


If you are having a wedding or other outdoor event, let Alliance Pest Services ensure that it will be insect-free. We will provide a barrier treatment around the property to protect and eliminate biting and stinging insects.

All materials will be dry in 30-60 minutes after application. We only need 24 hours’ notice prior to treatment. The barrier treatment we apply will protect your guests through the day and night, and there are no odors after the treatment is applied.

Our Mosquito Control Methods

  • Source reduction
  • Insecticides to kill larvae or adults
  • Mosquito programs, such as the ones listed above
  • Physical exclusion
  • Mosquito nets and making sure all window screening is in good working order

Possible Disease Transmission

Mosquitoes are vectors that can transmit diseases. While many of these diseases only produce mild symptoms that go away on their own, others are quite dangerous or even deadly. Diseases that mosquitoes can transmit include:
  • West Nile virus
  • Zika virus
  • Heartworm
  • Malaria
  • Eastern equine encephalitis

Mosquito Facts

  • There are almost 200 mosquito species that inhabit the United States. Of those, you can find 63 in New Jersey.

  • Mosquitoes go through four distinct stages in their life cycle — egg, larva, pupa, and adult. In most cases, the adult female mosquito will lay its eggs in stagnant water or near the edge of stagnant water. Stagnant water sources can include a pond, puddle, storm drain, birdbath, clogged gutter, on top of a pool cover, and anywhere that water can gather.

  • Only adult female mosquitoes bite, and they need a blood meal for every batch of eggs they lay. One very important point to note is that mosquito eggs can survive several years before hatching. If the eggs do not have water to hatch into the next life cycle stage, they can survive until there is a water source, even several years down the road.

How To Reduce Mosquito Habitats

Water is the key attractant for larger populations of mosquitoes. The key to a long-term successful mosquito program is to eliminate standing water. You can do this by turning over birdbaths, plant saucers, toys, and wheelbarrows and making sure your trash cans and any other object that can capture water can drain. It is also important to make sure that you clean your gutters so that water cannot accumulate. If you can’t remove items that collect water, the items need to have drainage holes in their lowest areas to ensure proper drainage so standing water cannot collect.

Common locations that can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes include beaches, clubs, campgrounds, golf courses, restaurants with outdoor dining, outdoor arenas and stages, parks, picnic grounds, playgrounds, pools, race tracks, riding stables, sports fields, stadiums, outdoor trails, and more.

Effective Mosquito CONTROL In Monmouth County, nJ

Providing your home with a regular Home Protection Barrier plan will help protect your family and pets from mosquitoes. Call Alliance Pest Services today for all of your mosquito problems or schedule a free site evaluation online.

Is your property overrun with mosquitoes? We can help!

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How to Control Mosquitoes in New Jersey

Mosquito control in New Jersey has never been as important an issue as it is now. Rutgers University studies, studies by the Centers for Disease Control, and examination of mosquito populations in New Jersey counties have found that the species of mosquito that is most likely to carry the Zika virus is present in New Jersey.

Women who are pregnant are more impacted by mosquitoes with Zika than anyone else. Birth defects can result from the Zika virus. The Zika virus can be transmitted sexually by a man that is infected. The virus usually causes flu like symptoms that disappear in a few days but older people and people who have lowered immunity can die from the virus.

Zika is not the only disease that mosquitoes carry. The large numbers of ships from all over the world that bring trade goods to New Jersey ports are a major source of disease carrying mosquitoes. 

While the government of New Jersey does have plans in place for minimizing the health damage that mosquitoes can cause a homeowner must take steps to protect themselves.

These are the most effective measures that a person can use to keep their property free from mosquitoes that can damage the health of people, pets, and livestock.

1) Use personal mosquito repellent

Use a repellent that has DEET, eucalyptus oil, picaridin, ethyl hexanediol, indalone, dimethyl carbate, or dimethyl phthalate. Each of these chemicals has been tested and proven to be safe in preventing mosquitoes from biting people by the CDC and European Union.

A person must use the mosquito repellent every time they go outside. Extra care should be used when swimming. Most of the repellents will wash off if a person stays in the water a long time. Application of the repellent must be repeated after swimming.

2) Eliminate standing water

Mosquitoes breed in water. The insects lay eggs in water and the eggs develop and hatch. Thousands of eggs can be laid by a single mosquito.

A homeowner must eliminate all standing water in and around their property. The most common breeding ground for mosquitoes is abandoned and discarded vehicle tires. Rain collects in the inside of the tire providing a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. 

The simple disposal method is to take the tire to a business that sells tires. Federal environmental law requires the business that sells tires to take the tire and dispose of it properly even if you do not buy anything.

A homeowner needs to look for other areas where water can collect. The corner of your rain gutters, the down spout of your rain gutters, children’s swimming pools, leaks in the basement, leaks in the garage, and any container that has water in it can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Some of these fixes may be expensive but the cost has to be measured against the health of your family.

3) Netting

Netting for windows and screen doors has been developed that provide economical and efficient mosquito control. The netting prevents mosquitoes from entering the residence. The netting is so fine that the insects cannot get through it to enter the home even if the windows are open.

4) Traps

Researchers have developed traps for adult mosquitoes. The trap is baited with a substance that attracts mosquitoes. Sugar, lactic acid, water vapor, and even sounds are used as attractants. Scents that mimic animal smells have been shown to be very efficient in attracting mosquitoes.

Once a mosquito enters the trap it is poisoned by an environmentally friendly poison. Any eggs that are laid in the trap are physically contained by a mesh that prevents the developing mosquitoes from escaping until they die.

The number of traps that are needed to control mosquitoes depends on the size of the property. The traps must be emptied and resupplied with attractant and mosquito killer on a regular basis.

5) Natural control

Numerous species of birds and fish eat live mosquitoes, mosquito larvae, and mosquito eggs. A few of these species are native to New Jersey. Testing has shown that some fish species that eat mosquitoes can survive in New Jersey even during the winter.

Care must be taken when importing animals that are not native to New Jersey. Some permitting is required and can be expensive. Birds provide control until they migrate south for the winter. Mosquitoes do live throughout the winter.

The fish solution will only work if your property has a relatively large body of water.

6) Poisons

There are a variety of poisons on the market that are specifically designed to kill mosquitoes. The poisons can kill adults and larvae. The poisons can be applied through spray or addition to water.

Homeowners need to be extremely careful with poisons. Mosquito poisons can kill some animals and some fish. Poisons can affect the health of older people and people who have diseases. Poisons must be reapplied periodically to maintain control. 

7) Hire a professional

Hiring a professional exterminator involves the least effort on the homeowner’s part and produces the most effective and safest control of mosquitoes on any type of property.

A professional pest control company has extensive training in mosquito control. The experts have experience with dealing with mosquitoes in a variety of environments. 

A professional can work with you to select the mosquito control that fits your health needs, the health of the animals you own, and prevent damage to your garden and decorative plants.

A professional pest control company can keep you out of trouble with environmental laws and fines that can be expensive. 

Alliance Pest Services provides homeowners several yard programs to keep them pest and bug free.  Call today for New Jersey pest control.

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