A lot of people work for long hours on a daily basis with the hope of having a great holiday, but a few unwelcome guests can ruin the whole experience. Ensure that all your guests and family have a great holiday by following few of this tips to ensure that no pests ruin your holiday.
Problems with Pests
A couple of people out there believe that there are fewer pests in the colder months. While there is some truth to this belief, you should not forget that houses are generally warm and a welcoming abode for many invaders. Many of these pests constitute just a minor nuisance, but some can constitute serious health problems to humans. They can also cause serious structural damage to buildings and houses.
Some holiday pests include:
The spread of loose packed imported foods is the major cause of an influx of cockroaches in various homes.
If you see scuttling when you turn on your kitchen light at night, you may have a problem with cockroaches.
Apart from being smelly and unsightly, they carry salmonella, typhoid, and dysentery. They enjoy breeding as they reproduce in large numbers.
There are three major types; the German cockroach, the Oriental cockroach which is slightly bigger and the massive American cockroach.
Cockroaches are however famous for spreading fast to adjoining structures, so if you live in an apartment block or a terrace, you may not need a professional intervention to effectively control them.
Mice in the house are a common problem in many homes, and as they are very amorous, you can end up with a good number of them very quickly.
Rats are even more unhealthy as they carry TB, salmonella, E. coli, and Weil’s disease. The serious flooding of the past few winters has led to serious rat issues in many urban areas. Pest control specialists have observed that rodent activity may increase at this time of year due to the weather being colder, as mice and rats would have sought for alternative food sources outdoors.
There are several good reasons why you should not tackle a rat infestation all by yourself: there is the risk of disease and the danger associated with rat poison.
Both mice and rats gnaw through cables and wood, so there is also a fire risk. It is important that you find out where and how they are getting in. A little rat can pass through a 1cm opening, cover up such opening and more importantly do more cleaning.
If you are organized enough to have separate wardrobes for both winter and summer, it is still not uncommon to spot a moth infestation when you’re taking out your seasonal clothes from storage. On the other hand, if the clothes were washed before storage, you will most likely not encounter moths because they do not like clean clothes.
The larvae of the clothes moth which usually dies over the winter when most houses were chilly for about half of the year now thrive and flourish with the advent of several heating devices.
It is not only linens and clothes that are susceptible to moths, they’re partial to sheep wool insulation also. This can lead to an expensive destruction.
These mothballs aren’t recommended for the control of moths, but both lavender oil and cedar can help. And of course, vacuum from time to time.
Flies can carry TB, salmonella, cholera, dysentery, and parasitic worms. They are both annoying and unsanitary.
In the summer, everyone gets one or two flies in their kitchen, but if you are plagued by swarms of flies, it is important that you find out the underlying causes.
Bluebottles plague usually indicates that there is something dead in the house, possibly a mouse you recently trapped.
House flies feed on animal feces and several decomposing food items. That includes dog poo in your garden, the contents of your bin, and bird poo in your gutters.
Blocked gutters and stagnant water sources near your doors will attract flies into your house. Ensure that there is no stagnant water outside to attract flies especially midges. For indoors, you should clean the surfaces to ensure flies cannot find a place to lay their eggs.
Methods of getting rid of flies include lavender, clove and basil. One quirky idea is hanging a vodka bag at your door, since flies hate vodka.
Black ants, also called pismires in some quarters, constitutes a huge nuisance in several homes. They are most active in the summer when their nuptial flight is started. They sprout their wings and usually alarm everyone by turning up indoors in large numbers.
Pest control specialists believe that ants are the main reason for calls for Pest Control services at this time of year.
Some ant species can actually bite, and the irritation is however, said to be minor unless in persons that are allergic to it.
They are not much of a threat because they do not carry any diseases. But if you hope to prevent them from coming into your home, what you should do is simple; clean everything, so they do not have anything to feed on or hide under.
Call Alliance Pest Services for all of your pest control problems.