Monmouth County home and business owners tend to relax their pest remediation efforts when insects and creatures are seemingly inactive. This is the wrong move. While you may not see any critters running about, they are always on the go. Some can even get indoors and flourish without being caught.
Pest remediation is not something that any Monmouth County home or business should be cavalier about. Very few insects or creatures could be considered harmless, as they typically can ruin buildings or have personal effects. They also may send you to the doctor, either by injury or illness.
Business owners aren’t short on things to worry about. They have to make a constant effort to protect their team, customers, and financial interests. One of the many threats to all of this is pests. Insects and creatures can damage structures and personal effects. Moreover, many species can injure people or spread germs and diseases.
The Norway rat is also referred to as the “ship rat” or the “wharf rat” in some areas. It is a small rodent that grows up to 12 inches long.
House mice prefer to stay away from humans. However, when in homes, they can spread diseases, such as leptospirosis, tularemia, salmonella, and rat-bite fever.
Monmouth County businesses face pest problems from ants and termites to cockroaches, rats, and mice. Learn what to look out for and how to handle the problem.
Bats are a dangerous and troublesome pest in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Find out what you can do to keep them away from your property by reading on.
Rats are one of the most dangerous and destructive pests in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Discover what makes these rodents so difficult to deal with and get effective control tips in this guide.
Stink bugs are invasive and smelly pests in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Learn how to identify and prevent these insects in this guide.
We wouldn’t go so far as to say that summer in New Jersey would be incomplete without yellow jackets, but they certainly are a part of it, whether we like it or not. And that’s a big NOT!