You may think of your home as an impenetrable fortress, but it’s far from that. In reality, your Monmouth County, NJ home is vulnerable to invading ants
When a particular pest is often spotted around a Monmouth County, NJ residence, sometimes it gives the impression that they’re nothing to be afraid of or alarmed about. This is especially true if the insect or creature doesn’t openly harm people or property.
The problem of ants around the home can happen during specific seasons or sometimes all through the year. There are various species of ants; some species often construct their nests outside the house whereas other builds theirs inside the house.
Spring has arrived and with it come one of the most difficult pests to control. Ants are amazing creatures. There are over 12,000 varieties of any worldwide, they live practically everywhere on Earth except Antarctica and a few remote islands.
Termites and flying ants are often confused for one another due to the fact that they both travel in swarms and have similar physical characteristics. It is important to recognize the differences, as depending on the pest, there are different methods of extermination.
One of the smallest beings on Earth is the ant, but just because ants are incredibly small, it doesn’t really mean they can’t be annoying. They outnumber humans by a LOT, and as such, they can be pretty much everywhere and most of the time, we don’t even notice them.