Even though you might not hear much about flea infestations in Monmouth County, NJ, they happen. Fleas are one of the more common local invaders. If you’re one of the many locals to experience trouble with fleas, you could experience several problems.
Fleas are one of the rampant external parasites that infest pets like cats and dogs. These blood sucking parasites are not only limited to dogs and cats but infect other mammals too. Severe health and skin issues result from minor flea infestation in pets and other mammals. But this can become life-threatening in cases of…
Fleas have become a cause for concern in many homes today especially households that have pets. They are tiny insects that feed on both pets and humans. Spotting a flea infestation can be simple, but eradicating the insects can prove difficult. This article addresses ways to identify and eradicate fleas from your home.
Fleas also known as cat fleas are tiny, irritating parasites that not only feed off your pet’s blood, but your own blood as well. It is possible to find that fleas have laid their eggs almost anywhere and everywhere they please inside or outside, for instant, in your carpets, furniture and bedding as well as…
Fleas are nasty little insects that affect all kinds of animals and even humans. Fleas are wingless insects that have mouths that are able to pierce skin and suck the blood out of animals. They are parasites that live on the outside of the body and live off the blood all kinds of mammals and…
Fleas are a common problem in many households. Homeowners are not always up to speed on how these pests can make their way into the home and do not have the experience and know how that it takes to remove them.
Fleas are pesky little ankle biters – literally. They are small but they pack a mean punch when they bite into your flesh or into your pets flesh particularly. They live and feed off of blood, using their mouth to pierce into skin. Fleas are wingless creatures, and there are several different species of fleas,…