Are termites invading your Monmouth County home? Follow our tips for proper termite control.
Termites are insects. They are grouped in nests and feed on the cellulose contained in the wood. With enormous perseverance and efficiency, they pierce their objective – a tree, for…
Over time, termites have been responsible for costly damage to all types of properties. The truth is that most of these damages are not covered by insurance policies, which means…
Termites, like ants or bees, are social insects that live mostly in subterranean colonies. Their organization, their ability to degrade wood and materials containing cellulose make them formidable enemies for…
Some of the most vicious insect pests of wood in the world are the subterranean termites. Every year, the activities of these insects cause damages worth billions of dollars and…
Termite infestation can cost you a lot if you don’t prevent it or nip it in the bud. There are several effective pest control methods. One of the commonest methods is to invite pest control experts to inspect the infected areas. They can deploy monitoring stations which are placed within soil of infested areas. When…
There are many insects that can cause a lot of damage in the home. Some of them carry diseases and can make small children ill. People find wildlife roaming around the garden as well. These animals are larger and can be dangerous as well. However, termites are considered to be the insect which can cause…
It is hard to find someone who would have something negative to say about the amazing springtime. The weather becomes warmer, snows start melting, and flowers start showing their first buds.
If you suspect that you may have an infestation of termites in your home, it is better to act as soon as you possibly can. The longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.
There are at least five signs that you as a homeowner can see that tell you that you have a termite problem. The signs can be very subtle at first but as termite damage continues to destroy you hard earned home, you should be able to see more evidence of a termite infestation.