The tough exoskeleton of a cockroach can withstand up to 900 times its body weight. Instead of trying to crush these pests, opt for preventative measures to keep them away…
Once in a while, something as simple as going out to eat at a restaurant can feel amazing, especially if the food is good. However, since everything is done by someone else, we are trusting the hygiene of others, and if said hygiene fails, it is clearly a problem that needs to be dealt with.
When we hear the word cockroach, we can just about feel our skin crawling and we feel the need to clean and disinfect every surface of our homes. Bugs of any kind are generally disgusting when it comes to our everyday lives, but cockroaches make the top of that list, especially when it comes to…
The smokey brown roach is a roach species that is primarily found in the southeast region of the United States, mainly in eastern and central Texas. However, they can be located in northern states, such as North Carolina and in the Midwest, in Indiana or Illinois. Named smokey brown because of its brown and black…
One of the most common of indoor pests is the cockroach. There are several different species of cockroaches, including the American Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana), the Brown-Banded cockroach (Supella Longipalpa), the German cockroach (Blattella Germanica), and the Oriental Cockroach (Blatta Orientalis).
Cockroaches are not only a nuisance and eyesore in your home, they are also disease-ridden insects that can cause serious health complications to you and your family. Alliance Pest Control…
Roach control. When people think of pest control, these little guys are usually what they think about first. With a well-earned bad reputation, these little pests can be a homeowner’s…
New Jersey is known for many things, Jersey Shore, Atlantic City, great beaches, and more. The Garden State has a lot of things going for it. Many businesses all over…