Bird mites are mostly found where birds (including pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and poultry) reside (where their nests are situated).In the first weeks after the birds have left their nests, these bird mites will go on to infest living homes in their search for a suitable blood meal from humans. Bird mites predominantly occupy warmer regions…
The Powassan virus is a flavi-virus that is transmitted by ticks. This infection or disease was named after a town called Powassan in Ontario, where it was first identified in a young boy who died eventually following health complications from it.
Stinging insects such as yellow-jackets, wasps, hornets and bees, are pests that are common in summer periods which their stings can be very painful. Those who are allergic to stings are at higher risk, although someone can suffer if a large number of them swarm and sting at the same time.
Mosquitoes are pests, there’s no denying that. But is there anything worse than a pest spreading a deadly virus? Well, that’s what the Aedes aegepyti is, a species of mosquito responsible for spreading yellow fellow, dengue fever and know Zika virus.