The Difference Between Rats and Mice

To the untrained eye, it might be hard to distinguish rats and mice when dealing with pests, as these can look like similar animals. These do, however, have quite a few differences that you can identify in order to know what you’re dealing with, and what to tell the pest control company when they’re rushing…

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Rodents In Commercial Buildings

Rodents have a way of placing themselves in commercial buildings and causing a bevy of problems for the building’s owners and inhabitants. While most are able to distinguish the differences between individual rodents (mice and rates) on sight, the problems that they cause are very similar to one another.

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The Truth About Rodents In A Restaurant

Sometimes cleaning is just not enough in the restaurant business. There are many ways that a restaurant can develop a problem with mice and with rats and those ways are not always based on cleanliness. The fact is that water and standing water can be just as bad as food or debris. 

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